
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Previous 'Bloc Party' Music Video, 'Hunting For Witches'

This music video, 'Hunting For Witches' by 'Bloc Party', is credited for its unique overhead shots but is also known as the most minimalist music video from the album, 'A Weekend In The City', as it is simply, throughout the video, the band performing in a dark room.
I chose to analyse this music video because of its use of camera; creating smooth panning shots that overall look appealing to viewers. We would like to use similar camera shots and techniques in our Music Video. 

The lyrics of this song were influenced by the terrorist attacks on London in July 2005, and is also a reaction to how much the media has control on modern society. The lyrics being influenced by sensitive subjects relates to 'Luno', our chosen song to create a Music Video for, because 'Luno's lyrics were influenced by relationships breaking up and cheating in relationships.

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