
Friday 25 November 2011

Change of Plans!!

Unfortunately we have had to make some changes to our filming plans and schedule, due to actors not being able to attend the date we had set. So, we are now hoping to film the narrative part of our music video instead of the performance part. We have an actress lined up and just waiting to hear back to see if she can make the shoot, Saturday 26th Nov.
We are planning to shoot the narrative at the house we had arranged already still, but after a discussion with the team we have decided that perhaps filming somewhere, either, more local or within college would be ideal. So, we have arranged with Sharon Maccines, Drama and Theatre Studies Teacher, if we could borrow the theatre space for the performance aspect of our music video.
We have booked the Media equipment we need to film for the weekend and are still planning on filming, but whether things will go ahead as planned at this moment in time is uncertain.

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