
Wednesday, 8 February 2012

A2 Advanced Portfolio: Reflective Evaluation - Question three (Part 2/2) - Audience Feedback

We gathered Audience Feedback by handing out a questionnaire in class, having them answer the questions whilst thy watched our finished Music Video. This was affective as it allowed us to gather a range of answers for the same question from each media group in the class, allowing us to see what stood out most in our music video amongst a large group of consumers. Although, since the members of the class are our peers as well as class mates reviews may be biased, depriving us of a more critical review, leaving us without mention of any errors or negative opinions that might have aided us in our evaluation of the final product.
The main issue raised, which was spotted by two reviewers, was a moment in our music video where the lip syncing wasn't precise (an error that would have been solved if more time to edit our music video was available). The majority of our feedback consisted of positive comments to do with the concept of our music video, the shots used and the fast paced editing.

Overall, we acquired the majority of the feedback we intended to bring out of our audience. We wanted the pace of the editing to fit the pace of the music, "Luno", creating a parallel between visuals and sound. We especially wanted our audience to be affected by the scene where we see two girls kissing in the bedroom, because not only does it present sex-appeal to the video (aiming the product at men for this video) it also breaks the generic convention of "boy-meets-girl", captivating our audience with an innovative narrative of "girl-meets-girl".

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