
Friday 20 January 2012

Discussion on black and white transition

While editing today we were applying black and white to the relevant clips; there is a shot of the door opening leading to a memory. We applied the black and white effect to clip and faded it to colour. We decided to do this for several reasons. The main reason was so it looked as if she was walking into the memory not just imagining the memories.

We also discussed the shot after, the shot was a reaction shot of the girl after entering the memory. We were unsure as to wether or not we wanted the clip in colour or black and white. We discussed if having the clip in black and white would confuse the audience because it was constantly switching back and forth. We also discussed if leaving it in colour would be better. After looking at both options we decided on leaving it on colour, this it again gave the effect that she had entered the memory not just imaging it.    

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