this is our music video; our interpretation of Luno by Bloc party.
Our idea was a linear narative of a female cheating on the lead singer of the band, and he is portraying his feelings through the lyrics in the song. The narrative side was the girl is in a house and each room that she enters is a different memory;
We tried to encoroparate many similarities and key convensions from bloc party videos in to our music video, therefore trying to make it as close to a Bloc Party video as possible.
Some of the shots are very similiar to the video "Hunting of Witches" by bloc party.
Right: Our music video
These are just one example of the similarity in shots in our music video to Bloc party ones.
We also tried to keep to the kep conventions and concepts of copstume, trying to keep the attire as simple as possible but also indie and cool at the same time.
We also tried to used similar camera shots
These are similar shots between the two videos.