
Friday, 16 December 2011

A2 Advanced Portfolio: Reflective Evaluation - Question One (Part 1/3) - Webpage

Our webpage for the band "Bloc Party" uses conventions commonly expected from websites. Conventions such as the use of a Banner at the top of the page that displays links making it easy for consumers to navigate through the website. Screen grab of our Banner below:

Bloc Party's official website appears minimalistic, displaying a few links placed to the side of the page or across the centre. Their site also features images from their official musivc videos too, referencing different text forms that their product is presented in. Screen grab below:

We decided that to properly advertise Bloc Party we would need to add extra features to our webpage. Features such as: The playbox where Bloc Party consumers can listen to samples of the band's music, which could be used as a way of advertising new tracks that Bloc Party produce and we also added images of the band; such as a group image showing the band members. This is so the audience can put a face to the artists behind Bloc Party's music. Screen grab below:

We have used these conventions because they are what a consumer expects in a webpage of this genre. Our aim was to make the webpage more appealing to our consumer audience by using conventions expected so that they would feel more comfortable with how to navigate and who they were supporting. We also included Tour Dates so that consumers can see dates and locations for Bloc Party's gigs and concerts around the country.

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