We are making a music video of the song 'Luno' by Bloc Party. We also have to make a website and CD cover for the band. This is a screen grab of Bloc Party's Website (Left) and the website we made (Right). I think the website both develops and challenges the typical conventions of this genre.
As you can see from the official Bloc Party website, the layout of the website is very simple, with a main banner at the top and a smaller, less obvious banner underneath with sub areas of the website.
It also has main sections in the middle of the website with a small amounts of text; the sections include news and information about albums and buying their songs. Overall the website is rather minimal, it has the key features expected on a music website but the design is very simple. Because the website was so simple we wanted to add lots of features that wouldn't be found on Bloc Party's official website.
On our website it is more vibrant and there is less 'empty space' in our website. We tried to keep lots of things from the official website in our website. Some of the features that we kept were the banner at the top leading to the different sections of the website, the news feed and the image of the album/song cover.

As you can see these are the aspects of both websites that are similar, we didn't want to make a completely different website, we wanted to keep some of the features that are seen as a convention of a music website.
As-well as keeping some features the same, we added and created different things on our website that may challenge the conventions. We added features that made the website more interactive and fun for the audience. We also added a tour dates section so people can easily see when Bloc Party will next be touring; we decided to place the tour dates in that position because it is directly under the image of the band and after seeing that the eyes are directed in that direction.
Another thing we did was created and added a play box. This would allow the audience to listen to the latest Bloc Party songs. The final small thing that we did was add links to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. This isn't a typical convention that you would from the indie-rock genre because...