
Thursday 9 February 2012

Advanced Portfolio: Reflective Evaluation: Question 3

This is a word cloud, made from the larger words are the ones used more frequently on the questionnaires.
There weren't many bad comments on the reflective feedback sheets, the main problem was that people didn't understand the narrative.

A2 Advanced Portfolio: Reflective Evaluation - Question One (Part 3/3) - Music Video

This is our final Music Video, embedded from YouTube:

Here is one of Bloc Party's previous Music Videos:

And finally, here's an existing Music Video from an artist of similar genre to Bloc Party:

Firstly the similarities between the existing music videos and our finished music video begin with the way the video is shot. We noticed that the existing music videos in the genre of music we were looking at all had a cinematic quality to them; by showing good quality framing and controlled lighting. We shot our music video in this way as it brought visual appeal to our music video which is what a music video is supposed to include.
As seen in Bloc Party's Hunting For Witches music video, they set up the band performing in a spotlight. This set up has also been used in Bloc Party's Banquet music video, showing repetition of the same concept (just like how they film in Black & White in a few of their other music videos). We decided to use the spotlight concept for our band performance to recreate an image that our audience would recognize as a Bloc Party concept; plus it shows our use of lighting within the production of the video.

In the narrative of our music video we challenged the convention of boy-meets-girl and instead had a girl-meets-girl scenario. This was to bring an innovative quality to the narrative of our music video. We originally had a boy-meets girl scenario in our music video, but then decided to develop the idea further by having the girl-meets-girl story line.

Advanced Portfolio: Reflective Evaluation: Question 2

We wanted to create the same conventions and imagery throughout the cd digi pak design. We tried to keep the same theme as colours and style. We made these colourways run throughout all 3 formats; The CD Digi Pak, The website4 and finally the Music video. We thought if we intergrated the colours that it would make the project seem more connected as a whole.
We wanted to keep the conventions to the genre and style. we wanted to keep the electronic rock indie look throught, so we encourperated bright colours to contrast the black to stick to these conventions.

For our Digi pak we have made an original CD cover that is Bloc Party related and is very similar to the original. However for our website i feel that it doens't entirely fit in with our image, i think this is due to the 'light trails' that we put down the side of the website. We put them there to make the website seem more vibarnt rather than just black and white but to me it feels like the would be more assosiated with a dance/Drum and bass genre.